Shared Governance
The University of Arizona is a strong proponent and supporter of shared governance and is home to several shared governance organizations
President Robbins and senior leaders regularly engage with these organizations to hear their important perspectives, recommendations and ideas. Engaging with shared governance organizations and campus stakeholders supports informed decision making and institutional success.
What is Shared Governance
In the University’s Implementation Plan for Shared Governance, we define shared governance as “solicitation of input from all stakeholders on campus including faculty, staff, students and administrators – and honoring the expertise and lived experience of all of us.”
In the foundational shared governance document created by the American Association of University Professors, the American Council on Education (ACE), and the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB), it states that shared governance will “take a variety of forms appropriate to the kinds of situations encountered.” It encourages “the broadest possible exchange of information and opinion.” With the complex issues facing higher education and the University, I believe this is a critical time to engage in broad dialogue across our community.
The University of Arizona embraces this philosophy and is fortunate to have a multitude of shared governance organizations that represent faculty, staff and students.
Shared Governance Organizations
Following are links to information about the university-level shared governance organizations at the University of Arizona.
President’s Cabinet
The President's Cabinet comprises top university leaders who advise on strategic decisions, shaping the institution's direction and policies.
More Coming Soon
University Advisory Council
University Advisory Council serves as a vital link between the University of Arizona's leadership and its community, fostering dialogue on matters affecting the campus.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona
ASUA is the student government at the University of Arizona.
The Graduate and Professional Student Council
GPSC is the Graduate and Professional Student Council at the University of Arizona.
Faculty Senate
The Senate's business is focused on a broad spectrum of policy issues, including academic personnel policies; instruction and curriculum policy; research policy; and student affairs policies.
The University of Arizona Staff Council
The University of Arizona Staff Council's goal is to enhance the quality of career life for Classified and University Staff by providing advocacy, information and resources.
Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee
SPBAC enhances university success through strategic advice on planning, budget policies, and program evaluation in collaboration with key university leaders.
Committee of Eleven
Established in 1947, the Committee of Eleven is a unique, faculty-elected body advising on university issues, promoting action, and representing faculty interests.
Faculty & Staff Affinity Groups
The University of Arizona offers a number of inclusive affinity groups for both staff and faculty.
Faculty Affinity Groups
Faculty Affinity Groups on campus and leader(s). Leaders meet monthly with the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs.